COMMUNITY - PAGE 3: Drowning 1956

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The following news account appeared in the February 27, 1956 edition of the Dayton Daily News.

“The Miami Valley had another fatal accident over the weekend, the sixth victim, Mrs. Romilda Gfroerer, 50, of Hamilton, drowning in her submerged automobile in Four Mile Creek, east of Oxford, Sunday.

Mrs. Gfroerer was within several hundred yards of her destination, when the accident occurred. She apparently ran off the road on a curve, hit the rain-softened berm and careened diagonally across the road and through a guard post.

The car leaped from the bank into the water about 15 feet below. A witness, Myles Spatny, Loveland, O., saw bubbles coming to the surface and, unable to help, raced to Oxford and informed police who, in turn, called the State Highway Patrol and the Butler County sheriff by radio.

Mrs. Edward Pater, sister-in-law of the woman, said the bridal shower for her daughter, Mrs. Patty Cornett, was in progress when they saw automobiles parked down by the creek.

The body was taken to Colligan funeral home at Hamilton.”


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