
The pages in this "Community" section primarily feature community-based content, i.e. - information about events that affected the Darrtown community at large.

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► Possibility of bank at Darrtown

► Darrtown HS expansion contract awarded

► Power line sought for Darrtown

► Companionship sought in personal advertisements

► Identity of Darrtown barber confirmed

► Bridge reopened on Darrtown Pike

►Darrtown baseball team to play Miami University

► Medical remedy at Darrtown

► Darrtown-Collinsville ball team undefeated

► Earthquake - 1931

► Radio show at Darrtown - 1936

► School bus flips - 2009

► Darrtown seeks physician

► Airport for airmail planned for site north of Darrtown - 1929

► Beacon light installed at Darrtown to assist airplane traffic - 1929

► St. Rt. 177 bridge south of Darrtown to be widened and resurfaced - 1977

► Gypsy families gather near Lane’s Mill, southwest of Darrtown for crowning of queen - 1901

► Loan closet established at Darrtown for “aid of sick” - 1925

► Fire destroys landmark tavern north of Darrtown - 1937

► Age-old question answered from incident on Darrtown’s Main Street - 2024

► Section of St. Rt. 177 renamed to honor Darrtown’s Walter “Smokey” Alston - 1999

► Tarvia applied to Darrtown Pike - 1925

► Darrtown people seek “electric road” - 1902

► Truck hits Hansel home at south end of Darrtown - 1985

► Fire destroys landmark hotel in Darrtown - 1931

► Milford Township to buy new tanker - 1973

► Darrtown Pike to be paved - end of dirt and gravel roadway - 1920

► Telephone service established between Darrtown and Cincinnati - 1912

► Housing boom projected for Darrtown - 1929

► Two trucks collide at Davis’ Corner - 1967

► Four Mile Creek name to remain unchanged - 1928

► Student injured in fall from bus door - 1929

► “Hen Party” set for Lutheran ladies - 1928

► Plans announced for the construction of grandstands at Darrtown ball field - 1923

► Adult and youth ball leagues formed - 1977

► Lanes Mill bridge closed - 1974

► Telegraph service available in Darrtown - 1895

► A solar-powered still in Darrtown

► Man injured when dog triggers a shotgun blast

► A judge closes a Darrtown area motel

► Darrtown and Stewart High School teams compete in first game played in new Stewart gymnasium

► Disease strikes Darrtown area horses

► Ogle’s outhouse is latest new structure in Darrtown

► Buckler house fire

► Wyckoff warehouse fire

The Ohio Historic Farms program - and those farms in the Darrtown / Milford Township area that are known to have qualified.

Frank McVicker killed by horse kick

Prescott and Gillespie boys receive Boy Scout award

Wilbur Smith hurt in roller accident

Darrtown drainage dilemma

Darrs Run at 25 year high

Flu outbreak of 1918

Scarlet fever case of 1919

Texas tangerines available in Darrtown

House damaged by car - 2023

Town hall collapse - 1928

1950s newspaper features an aerial farm photo program

1932 George Washington program at Methodist Church

…water tragedies involving Four Mile Creek, near Darrtown.

► A solar-powered still constructed in Darrtown

► Man injured when dog triggers a shotgun blast

► A judge closes a Darrtown area motel

► Darrtown and Stewart High School teams compete in first game played in new Stewart gymnasium

► Disease strikes Darrtown area horses

► Ogle’s outhouse is latest new structure in Darrtown

► Buckler house fire

► Wyckoff warehouse fire

► a Tom Thumb wedding of the 1930s and 1940s;

► a Darrtown parade circa-1900;

the Popst Hotel and a camping trip in 1904;

► a circus stopping in Darrtown in the 1950s;

► the Ferguson service station fire in 1957–58;

► two cornhusking contests near Darrtown in 1933 and 1936;

► electricity being installed in rural Butler county in 1938;

► a newspaper that was printed in an air balloon in 1909;

► a Farm Institute that was sponsored by Darrtown church groups in 1929;

► a history of the Darrtown skating rink, circa-1900;

► front row parking at the Hitching Post;

► and a Darrtown-style “Big Apple.” 

► Darrtown man discovers sister-in-law has SIX living husbands