My older brother and sister, Bill and Linda, moved to Darrtown with our parents, Lester and Audrey Brooks, from Hagerstown, Indiana. Linda was about 4 ½ and Bill, 1 ½.

My sister, Penelope, and I were born in Hamilton, while the family lived in Darrtown. I have just a few memories from the time, but most of my memories are from when we lived in Hamilton and attended church at Darrtown United Methodist and St. Matthew Lutheran, after 1954. After the two churches started having services every Sunday, we attended only the Methodist Church.

My favorite memories are, as a teenager, when Harry Ogle was our Sunday School teacher and we had a good size class, including Janice Wills, Carolyn Lemmons, Paul and Ruth Decker, Richard Hansel, Marvin Russell, Rita Jewell, my sister and myself. I'm sure there were others whom I've forgotten. Harry and his wife, Dodie (Alston) Ogle, were also our Youth Group leaders and we had lots of fun at the evening meetings.

Mom and Dad always kept close ties to Darrtown through church and fraternal organizations. Dad was a member of the K of P and Mom joined the Pythian Sisters. I remember lots of fun activities at the K of P Lodge, as a kid. The was always a dinner or square dance to attend at the Lodge hall or the church.

In 1979, Mom and Dad moved back to Darrtown, on Scott Road. Dad passed away in January, 1996 and Mom remained in that house, until April, 2000. She then moved to Westover Retirement Community, where she lived for 10 years. She died in March 2010.

Recollections of Phyllis (Brooks) Flick

[Webmaster Note: In January 2021, Phyliss Brooks Flick, contributed the following narrative.]