Darrtown Methodist Church was the source of most of our social activities when I was growing up. 

We lived on Scott Rd with a half mile gravel lane, so we didn't go out much ( Maybe that experience helped me get through the isolation of COVID. )

Both of my parents, Granville and Georgia Wills, were very involved at the church.  My Dad was on the board and Mother was involved with the Women's Society and all the dinners the church put on to help make money.  The Youth Group would help be servers at the dinners and we had great fun doing that.  The men usually were the dishwashers and there was a great deal of throwing the dishes to each other much to the dismay of the women.  I don't think they broke too many!

Our Youth Group, led by Harry and Dodie Ogle, provided much of our entertainment.  We played softball, had hay rides and went roller skating in Millville, plus Harry was our Sunday School teacher and encouraged us to ask questions and we would all try come up with answers.  It was an important part of my teenage years.

Phyllis (Brooks) and I were good friends and spent many nights at each other's homes, going to Wilson swimming pool in Hamilton and singing at church.  There were also many discussions about our boyfriends who we both married.  Those relationship we had at church provided wonderful memories that are still an important part of my life.

Recollections of Jan (Wills) Petri

The following narrative was written and contributed by Jan Petri, via email on January 21, 2021.