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Click the logo at the right, if you would like to gain access to the Darrtown Family Tree at Ancestry.com and see the CHARTS of FAMILIES that are ALREADY INCLUDED.

If you would like to have your family's history added to the Darrtown website and the Darrtown Family Tree, please complete and submit the Family History Response Form.

Click the links at the right to access the lists.

Thanks to Kim Johnson, those 1,855 family names (a.k.a. surnames) are available for viewing and downloading, in TWO FORMATS.

According to data at Ancestry.com, as of mid-August, 2022, the Darrtown Family Tree includes 1,855 family names.

First, the name of a person, along with other identifying information is DISCOVERED (by the webmaster, Fred Lindley or our genealogy guru, Kim Johnson) OR the info is DONATED by a third party.

...Kim builds a descendant-style family chart at the Darrtown Family Tree on the Ancestry.com website.

...Fred designs and builds a narrative-style family page on this website - using text, photos, maps, etc.

The family page is available to anyone who visits the Darrtown website.

The descendant-style family chart is available to anyone who requests access.


To see a more detailed explanation of how genealogical information is handled at this website, along with multiple examples of how families and individuals are connected, see: Genealogy detailed.

Then, using the information that was either discovered or donated...

At this website, genealogy records (a.k.a. family records), are gathered, organized, and presented, in the manner described below.



If you have any questions, please use the link in the footer to contact the webmaster.
