Josephus Ditman married Barbara Kramer on April 13, 1886.

Barbara's parents owned farmland in Sections 20 and 21 - shown in the map at the right.

Barbara's parents conveyed 164.92 acres of land to her on November 13, 1886.

The yellow arrow, on the map at the right points to the location of the house and outbuildings where Joe and Barbara lived, on the 109.35 parcel. See image of farm buildings at right.

If Josephus Ditman did not become a land owner, in Section 20, by virtue of his 1886 marriage to Barbara Kramer, then he did become a land owner, in 1895, when he purchased 60 acres from Barbara's sister, Margaret. The green lines, on the map below, show the boundaries of the 60-acre tract.  

The red lines, on the map below, show the 164.92 acres conveyed to Barbara (Kramer) Ditman, by her parents, in 1886.

The next, and last, farm owned by Josephus Ditman in Section 20 of Milford Township is depicted by the orange boundary lines, on the map below. Ditman family members came to know this place as the Radiant Farm.

Records show that Joe Ditman bought this farm from Geo. Hoffman, on March 1, 1900. This was after Joe's first wife, Barbara (Kramer) Ditman died and before Joe met his second wife, Mary Eva Polster.

Joe and Eva lived on the Radiance Farm, along with their two sons, until their decision to return to Maryland.

Joe sold the Radiant Farm to John W. Smith, on August 31, 1922.

Images of life on Ditman's Radiance Farm, plus items about people, places, and events related to Darrtown, appear on the CONNECTIONS page.


Click the link at the right to see a larger view of the Ditman homestead. They lived here 13 years, until Barbara's death in 1899.

The 164.92 acres (conveyed by Barbara's parents to her) are indicated by the green ovals  on the map at the right.

It may be that Josephus was NOT a co-owner of that land.


James Ditman, grandson of Josephus Ditman offered the following thought in a November 13, 2021 email message: "It might be that there is no land transaction for this property after Barbara dies, because it was held jointly with her sister Mary. So, Mary Kramer then just became the sole owner. I don’t think Josephus had any legal claim to Mary and Barbara’s farm."