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This "cousin" page is provided as an example of how people can discover family connections that they never knew existed.

Prior to the spring of 2022, John Morrow and Fred Lindley had never met, nor communicated with each other.

Thanks to the actions of a third man (James Ditman of Maryland), John and Fred connected through email and explored John's connection to Darrtown. In the process, John and Fred discovered that they are related.

Here is an OVERVIEW of HOW this page came about...

If you would like to see a chart that shows family connections between John and Fred and provides extra information about some of the family members listed on the chart, then click: Cousins charted!

If you would like to read a more detailed explanation of how James Ditman's connection to Darrtown led to the discovery that John and Fred are  related, click this link:

Here is a SUMMARY of WHY this page came about...

The purpose of this "cousins" page is twofold:

1. Provide an example of how people can be unaware that they are related.

2. Encourage others to explore their ancestral records by taking advantage of help and resources that are currently available at this website.

If you would like to pursue your family connections to Darrtown, use the link in the footer of this page to contact the Darrtown website webmaster.

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This is how the Morrow-Lindley connection evolved. While exploring his family genealogy, James Ditman, who lives in Maryland, researched a connection between a Darrtown area farm that his grandfather owned in the 1920s and the Darrtown community. In doing so, James discovered the Darrtown.com website on the internet. In December of 2021, James connected electronically with Fred Lindley, the Darrtown website webmaster and, with James providing family records and photographs, Fred created the Ditman Family page.  In the process, Fred sought the involvement of Kim Johnson - a guru of online genealogy. Kim, a Minnesota man that is connected to Darrtown through his wife, whose grandfather was Luther McVicker, soon found and provided Ditman family records from Ancestry.com. In the spring of 2022, James Ditman traveled from his home in Maryland to see his grandfather's former farm - located at 5215 Hamilton-Richmond Road. That property is now owned by John Morrow, having purchased it in 1992.  Later, James Ditman informed Fred about his visit to his grandfather’s former property and about meeting John Morrow. Through James, Fred got in touch with John. Soon thereafter, John, Fred, and Kim were collaborating via email about the Morrow family. Once again, Kim did his thing with Ancestry.com records, which Fred used to design and upload the Morrow Family page to the Darrtown website.   Kim was instrumental in discovering the family ties that connected John and Fred as cousins. Of course, none of this was likely to have happened, if James Ditman had not decided to travel from Maryland to see the farm that his grandfather once owned – about a mile north of Darrtown.