Lot 76

of the original Darrtown plat

Lot 76, as shown on the diagram below, is located immediately south of the southwest quadrant of the Darrtown village square on the west side of State Rt. 177.

Property ownership records for Lot 76 appear below.

Keep in mind that the original records were handwritten and the following typed records were subject to the interepretation of the person(s) who transcribed the records.

From one end of Darrtown to the other, this section of Rt. 177 is officially named the Walter Alston Memorial Highway.

Lot 76 sits across the street from Stang's Auto and Repair (circa first part of the 21st century). This location was known as McVicker's Garage, in mid-to-later part of the 20th century.

The postal address for Lot 76 is 4281 Hamilton-Richmond Road - Hamilton, Ohio.


As an example of how handwriting can be misinterpreted, the 1837 notation about Lot 76 refers to a "Frick T. Darr." A review of the Darr family branch of the Darrtown Family Tree makes no mention of a "Frick" Darr. However, there is an "Irick" T. Darr, who was the youngest son of Conrad Darr.